Imagine opening up the ribs in all directions for a more spacious breath. Imagine releasing tension in the belly to soothe digestion. Imagine draping yourself onto support and feeling fluidity and grace in your body and breath. This restorative practice gives you the support to B At Ease.
All restorative yoga is a centering practice, designed to release tension and connect with our inner resources to rest and relax. All of the shapes in this session support gentle openings in the abdomen to invite sensations of spaciousness and ease in the physical core of our beings. If you are suffering from abdominal organic distress or feeling pulled in too many directions, let this practice draw you inward and re-mind you how to B Centered.
This IS the perfect practice for ladies who are on your cycle, pregnant or going through The Change. AND it's also for you if you have low-back or any organic tension or are in the midst of any cycle of change. Sense how the breath is in a constant state of flux. Receive the gifts of your subtle shifts, your fluidity. Allow yourself to B Feminine with this luxuriously long version of this restorative practice.
Mammas-to-be will want extra support in all poses, as if you were cradling your baby with your TLC. And skip the cross bolsters in favor of extended bridge. or perhaps you are go...
This IS the perfect practice for ladies who are on your cycle, pregnant or going through The Change. AND it's also for you if you have low-back or any organic tension or are in the midst of any cycle of change. Sense how the breath is in a constant state of flux. Receive the gifts of your subtle shifts, your fluidity. Allow yourself to B Feminine with this spacious version of this restorative practice.
Mammas-to-be will want extra support in all poses, as if you were cradling your baby with your TLC. And skip the cross bolsters in favor of extended bridge. or perhaps you are going through ...
Lengthen your hamstrings and all of the muscles around your hips with this forward-folding practice. Feel your spine elongate as you release tension that animates your vitality and inspires you to B Longer.
You practice yoga to find joy and peace in your life all year long. Then the holidays arrive—a whole season devoted to joy and peace—yet these are not the words that come to mind when you imagine shopping at the mall, navigating traffic at the airport, or circumnavigating the in-laws at holiday gatherings. Restorative Yoga is the calm in the storm of the merry-making madness.
Give yourself time for this short & sweet practice. Allow yourself to slow down and fully experience each breath and each sensation. Let your presence be your gift to the world. And know that intention contribut...
As you support your new bundle of joy, Give yourself some TLC with this nurturing practice that will give you a much-needed rest with a wide-open heart. Allow yourself to be held and B Nurtured.
If you find yourself - or your student - unable to rest without snoring and disturbing the peace of the room - give this practice a go. NOTE that the last two supine poses should be switched out for a snoring student and instead repeat the forward folding twist and a side-lying (or downward-facing) savasana.
Imagine your lower back and pelvis held with support, bolstered with stabilizing props, while coaxing tension in hips and thighs to release. This practice opens the hips in every direction, moving them as much as feels good for you, summoning your low back to B Relaxed.
You will want to have 2 straps, 2 blocks, a bolster and a blanket for optimal support and serenity. A couple of the prop setups are a little complicated at first AND they make all the difference. Just remember you can press pause and replay until it feels just right for you!
This gentle sequence will nurture you with passive poses and long holds. If you are fatigued from travel or a busy schedule, recovering from an illness or injury, or experiencing loss of some kind, give yourself this tranquil practice. Notice the space between the breaths, meet the moment of transformation. May you Be Restored with this spacious version of this restorative practice.
Even though this practice is gentle, take care of any precautions you may have. Legs up the wall may not be appropriate for heart conditions. And some effort in the back-bending poses will keep your low back...
This gentle sequence will nurture you with passive poses and long holds. If you are fatigued from travel or a busy schedule, recovering from an illness or injury, or experiencing loss of some kind, give yourself this tranquil practice. Notice the space between the breaths, meet the moment of transformation. May you Be Restored with this short & sweet version of this restorative practice.
Even though this practice is gentle, take care of any precautions you may have. Legs up the wall may not be appropriate for heart conditions. And some effort in the back-bending poses will keep you...